Sunday, June 30, 2019

Harry Potter Spells Book Tag

Made by whoever runs Dreamland Book Blog

A book you found interesting but want to rewrite. 
Not that I'd want to rewrite it, but I'd wish Spellslinger's style was more like Traitor's blade. De Castell has a hell of a talent for writing fight scenes. There's almost a distinct slowness about Spellslinger's writing style. I do wish the pacing was a little quicker. 

A first book that got you hooked. 
The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud. It got me back into reading, as a double, after a depression I had. 

A book you wish you had. 

Avada Kedavra
A Killer Book
Ptolemy's Gate. It made me cry for the first time in a while. 

A Confusing Book
Queenslayer, because I'm not into Politics a shit ton... So, I don't know the stakes of reputations as I should. Aside from the Life-or-death match of cards... 

Expecto Patronum (There are two, but I'm going the Childhood prompt)
A childhood book connected to good memories
The Bartimaeus Trilogy (Reading it twice as a kid to a grown adult made me realize holy shit this is dark...)

An exceedingly dark book. 
See Above. 

A book that took you by surprise. 
A Darker Shade of Magic. Romance took a damn backseat for once!

Prior Incantatum
Latest read
The Silver Scar

A Funny Read
Golem's Eye and Ptloemy's Gate. the series is still pretty dark, especially for a children's book. 

A book you think everyone should know about. 
This is kinda weird, but Timekeeper by Tara Sim. This is if you like LGTBQ Clock/Steampunk.

A book or spoiler you would like to forget having read
The End of Traitor's Blade. With *******. (These polite asterisks are telling you to read it yourself.)

A Book you had to read for school. 
Believe it or not... Maximum Ride. I was 12, so I liked the first three back then. Then I read the series again. I do still have the third of the Fugitives series. It's the only one I liked. 

A torturous read. 
Get ready for me. After. 

A Book you could sever from its series. 
Soulbinder. I know Kellen is a traveller, but it just doesn't tie in with the previous adventures. Unless it's tying in with Crowbreaker... I don't know. 

A book that repels you. 
More like repulses me. See Crusio, After by Anna Todd. I'll be posting that review when I articulate my thoughts without the curse words. 

A Book that left you speechless. 

Yay, so if you haven't figured it out, I am obsessed with some and it'll seem like I don't read a shit ton. 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Rapid Fire Book Tag

This is called the Rapid Fire Book tag, made by GirlReading on Youtube, but I hate my face and I'm sure you will, too so let's get right on to it!

- E-Book or Physical Book?

- Paperback or Hardcover?

- Online or In-Store Book Shopping?
Both, depending on if I can't find the book I want in stores.

- Trilogies or Series?
This depends on how the story is executed.

- Heroes or Villains?
Both. Especially in Grey Morality

- A book you want everyone to read?
Soulbinder. (Spellslinger #4) This is my absolute favorite in the series.

- Recommend an underrated book?
All of the Spellslinger series.

- The last book you finished?
Traitor's Blade

- The Last Book You Bought?
The Chosen by Taran Matharu

- Weirdest Thing You've Used as a Bookmark?
Fruit snack wrappers.

- Used Books: Yes or No?

- Top Three Favourite Genres?
High Fantasy
LGTBQ Contemporary
Steampunk (Depends on if you count this with fantasy,)

- Borrow or Buy?
Borrow. I go to the library a lot...

- Characters or Plot?
Depends on if it's executed well.
Spellslinger focusses on Character, and Shades of Magic focusses on Plot. and both are my tops favs.

- Long or Short Books?
This depends.

- Long or Short Chapters?

- Name The First Three Books You Think Of...
A Darker Shade of Magic
Less (My current read)

- Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?
Cry. Nuff said

- Our World or Fictional Worlds?
This is going to be controversial, but our world. Mostly because we need heroes where there are villains. And think of the damage costs Supernatural powers can produce...

- Audiobooks: Yes or No?

- Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?
Sometimes. I always look at the dust cover or back for summaries. Spellslinger (US) doesn't have the prettiest cover, but I love it all the same.

- Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?
Neither. I'm scared after what they did to Percy Jackson.

- A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?
... Chronicles of Narnia, if I'm honest. It was my childhood, and I loved the way they did the battle scene.

- Series or Standalone's?

Alright, those were all the questions, I don't have friends to tag, so go ham if you want to.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Book Reviews: What you need to know.

My book reviews may be invalidated, but I have a terrible memory if anything. I read the book multiple times and write down the recaps as I go. then I read the book again to gather my own thoughts.

Yeah... I read books multiple times for reviews. At least twice for the sake of asking questions and anything that would require me to think a little deeper than just saying, "Oh, it's just a story" and such. 

I don't retain information as well as I used to after I burned out sometime in High school, I think.

So yeah, my reviews may be invalid as I reread the books at least twice to form my questions and thoughts.